W e l c o m e t o
B r o o k l y n W e s t W i n e r y
We invite you to our tasting room to enjoy and learn more about wine in a welcoming, laid-back atmosphere.

S m a l l - L o t H a n d c r a f t e d W i n e s

With production based in Sonoma’s Alexander Valley, we source our grapes from some of the best vineyards in Northern California. Our winemakers Stew Epstein and Jeffrey Fiegel chose to follow a winemaking philosophy of minimalist intervention, relying upon what is naturally available on the grapes and from nature to inform the journey of our wines.
Brooklyn West
O u r W i n e s
We specialize in handcrafted, small-lot winemaking. With production based in Sonoma’s Alexander Valley, we source our grapes from some of the best vineyards in Northern California.

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